Maryland/DC NAELA Medicaid Intensive For Elder Law Attorneys

NAELA Chapter Offering
The first day focused on mastering key concepts such as transfer rules generally, gift and return, and the fundamentals of spousal return and income. It included guest speakers on a variety of topics, including special needs trusts, Medicaid-compliant annuities, screening for waiver services, level of care eligibility process, and an update on Maryland Medicaid from Lorie Mayorga, the Deputy Director of Medicaid Eligibility Policy. On the second day participants and the instructors discussed case studies to understand how the rules work in practice.

Course materials include PowerPoints, the instructor outline, case studies, and other documents to support a deeper understanding of Medicaid planning. This intensive was held October 2020.
Discounted member price: 300.00
You could save 25.0%


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