National Special Needs Law Month

What Is It?
In October, special needs law attorneys across the country give back to their communities by educating people with disabilities, their families, and caregivers about the resources available to assist them and by providing pro bono services. We encourage you to participate in National Special Needs Law Month and help establish NAELA members as leading providers of legal guidance, services, and advocacy to enhance the lives of those with disabilities.

Ways to Celebrate — Toolkit for NAELA Members

We have put together a Special Needs Law Month Toolkit for NAELA members (sign-in required). You can reach out in a variety of ways that will benefit both your community and your practice.

Consumer Resources
Find a Lawyer — A publicly available tool to find a licensed practicing NAELA member attorney
Why Hire a NAELA Attorney — Learn more about the unique qualities of a NAELA member attorney
Hiring an Attorney Q&A — Questions to ask when hiring a NAELA member attorney

Contact Us: Public Relations, Media Interviews, and Advertising Inquiries

Don't forget to renew your NAELA membership for the 2024 year.

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