Consumer Library

For over 35 years NAELA has been the leader in supporting elder and special needs attorneys and their practice.


Consumer Notice to Veterans

This is to warn veterans of annuity sales schemes for VA Aid and Attendance benefits.

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Early in 2014, Congress passed legislation creating special accounts for persons with disabilities known as the “Achieving a Better Life Experience” Act

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File and Suspend by Amos Goodall

A Social Security benefit strategy for married couples (called “file and suspend”) is one of the options that is ending

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The Future of Senior Housing

It’s hardly surprising that a recent AARP report found that 83 percent of those aged 55 to 64 want to remain in their own home as long as possible

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What to Do When a Person Dies

Read this checklist about the steps to take after a person dies.

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Government, State, and Local Resources

NAELA partners with many other national and governmental organizations that also work to protect and serve older Americans and people with disabilities.

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Public and Private Resources

Other resources with information and services of interest to consumers

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How Elder Law Attorneys Can Help Lower-Income and Poor Seniors

Seniors want to pay their debt. And they often go to extreme measures to keep current. But at some point some are simply not able.

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Medicare Part B

Medicare Part B is optional for beneficiaries, who must pay a monthly premium for coverage.

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Medicare (Including Part A)

When a person is covered by more than one health insurance carrier it is important to know which insurance is responsible to pay for what service

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Self-Funded Special Needs Trusts

A Special Needs Trust is a type of trust designed to protect the assets of a person with a disability.

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Guardianship and Conservatorship

Guardianship, referred to in some states as conservatorship, is a legal proceeding

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Understanding Elder Law and Special Needs Planning Ethics

In order for a lawyer to join NAELA they must sign a statement supporting NAELA’s Aspirational Standards for the Practice of Elder Law

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Durable Powers of Attorney

A person may not perform legal tasks for an incapacitated adult without legal authority.

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Joint Tenancy

Many persons own assets with someone else such as a home, land, cars, bank accounts, stocks, bonds, credit union accounts

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Long-Term Care Insurance

Many people are under the mistaken belief that Medicare and Medicaid supplement policies will cover the cost of long term care.

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Court Proceedings and Litigation

Litigation begins with a civil complaint that the defending parties must answer.

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Age Discrimination

Since the 1960s, the federal government has enacted many laws prohibiting discrimination against individuals based upon their age.

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Coordination of Health Insurance Benefits With Traditional Medicare

It is important to know which insurance is responsible to pay for what service(s) and in what order of priority.

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Medicaid is a joint federal and state program that provides payment for medical care for persons unable to afford to pay.

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Estate Planning and Probate

Estate planning means much more than preparing a Last Will and Testament or tax planning for the disposition of your assets upon your death.

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Living Trusts

A Living Trust is an agreement between you and an individual or entity made during your lifetime.

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Elder Abuse Neglect and Exploitation

With the aging of the American population, problems of the elderly have become more widespread.

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Medicare Part D

Beginning in 2006, Medicare beneficiaries have the option of enrolling in a prescription drug benefit.

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The Harm In Eliminating the Medical Expense Deduction

House Republicans have introduced their plan to reform the tax code. The legislation calls for ending the medical expense deduction (MED).

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Veterans Face Losing Long-Term Care Lifeline

Long wait times and false recordkeeping that may have led to Veterans dying in a Phoenix VA hospital

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Ending Our Shameful Segregation of Persons with Disabilities

NAELA supports care in the community and the greatest amount of independence possible for persons of any age with disabilities.

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Why Hire a NAELA Attorney?

NAELA members are exceptionally qualified to help older adults and people of all ages with disabilities.

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Q & A When Hiring an Attorney

Common questions answered when looking to hire an elder or special needs law attorney.

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