Nathan Ziegler & Associates
Nathan Ziegler

12413 Quaker Ave
Lubbock, TX 79424-7698

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Professional Information

About the Practice
Nathan Ziegler & Associates is the first full-service wealth protection, elder law and estate planning law firm in West Texas. Based in Lubbock, the firm’s focus is helping families have peace of mind in the second half of life by protecting their options and their assets from the cost of long-term care. Nathan and his team craft customized planning for each of their clients, using an array of specialized tools, such as asset protection trusts, estate planning, Medicaid planning, Veterans Benefits planning, and Special Needs planning. Nathan is a board member of the Texas Chapter of the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys (NAELA), and is also accredited by the Veterans Administration. Nathan and his wife, Sondra, are featured speakers on a wide range of topics related to planning for the second half of life. They have been married for 25 years, and have three kids and three dogs. Nathan likes fly fishing and *classic* country music (not that new stuff).
Professional Biography
Nathan was born in Houston, Texas, but the family relocated to Lubbock when he was seven years old when his parents moved here to plant a church in the Great Commission movement of churches. He is the oldest of six kids (four sisters!). He has a deep appreciation for all things Texas, and if there were a Mayor for all of West Texas, he would run for it because he loves this place and would never want to live anywhere else!

Chapter Membership

Texas Chapter


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