Reaching the Baby Boomer Market

5 Simple Marketing Tips

By Ben Neiburger, JD, CPA

The way consumers, especially Baby Boomers, get legal information and purchase legal services has changed.

This article describes the challenges of marketing to Baby Boomers and gives you simple marketing ideas you can use.

Let’s be frank — the Baby Boomer generation has defined almost all of the economic and social trends of the past half-century. In fact, if you are reading this, there’s a better than average chance you’re a Boomer yourself. If you are, then on some level you are keenly aware of your generation’s collective character and instincts.

First and foremost, Baby Boomers are confident, self-assured, and self-reliant. They’re smart and like to do things themselves. Since they came of age in an era of governmental and social reform, Boomers believe they can change the world all by themselves.

Implications for the legal profession are profound. Instead of hiring an attorney, Boomers are just as likely to try and take care of their legal work — like preparing legal documents — by themselves. This generation tends to question authority — including the advice of professionals. As a result, they tend to be sophisticated purchasers of legal services and also want, to a large degree, to only purchase enough of those services to educate themselves on how to do things on their own.

So how do we market to these mavericks? By paying attention to five principles that resonate with them.

  1. Understand What Drives the Generation and Go Along for the Ride.
  2. Educate These Smart Consumers on the Value of Your Knowledge and the Hazards of Do-It-Yourself Documents.
  3. Internet Marketing, Facebook, and Social Media
  4. Focus on Client Service.
  5. Sell Value. Do Not Be the Lowest-Cost Provider.

Ben Neiburger, JD, CPA, is this month’s Featured Member.

NAELA News Volume 26 Number 5 cover

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