NAELA Journal Volume 19 Issue 1 e-Issue

NAELA Journal Spring 2023

NAELA Journal Volume 19 Issue 1 e-Issue

The Benefits of Purchasing a Medicaid Compliant Annuity in the Community Spouse’s Name

By  Dale Krause, J.D., LLM, and Scott Engstrom, J.D.
What’s in a name? More than it may seem. A Medicaid compliant annuity in the community spouse's name can be an effective long-term care planning strategy for clients with modest assets who suddenly find themselves in need of long-term care.

The “Who” of Guardianship

By  Kelsey L. Laabs, J.D., MBA
A comparative analysis of orders of priority for appointment of a guardian for an adult; this article aims to fill a gap in the literature on the "who" question related to guardians for adults.

Demystifying Disability: What to Know, What to Say, and How to be an Ally

By  Amanda C. Hsiao, Esq.
Legal advocates can learn important skills from this book, including appropriate ways to talk about disability, how to recognize and avoid ableism, and how to ensure accessibility in everyday practices and at special events.

The Beauty of What Remains: How Our Greatest Fear Becomes Our Greatest Gift

By  Bruce Brightwell, Esq.
This book is well worth reading to the extent it adds to knowledge regarding death and dying that we can draw on in our practice. But beyond that, it is a profoundly thoughtful book that offers insights every attorney could find valuable.

Spring 2023

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